2022 (wip)

The project is an examination of the way museum narratives shape my understanding about cultural history and an attempt to map one of the permanent exhibition in Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard Univesity titled “All the World Is Here: Harvard’s Peabody Museum and the Invention of American Anthropology.”

Prompted by theorist Walter Mignolo’s theroy of Epistemic Disobedience, I emphasize the performance video on articulating knowledge from my racially marked body and ways to acknowledge and work with my barrier and disfluency in acquiring anthropologic knowledge which is represented by some of the anthropological traditions described in the exhibition — museum display, conservation, and scientific inquiry.

Created as final projects for:
Race, Sex, and the Ethics of Collection in the Harvard Peabody Museum taught by Caroline Light and Meredith Reiches.

Decolonial Cartographies taught by Adriana Zavala.

Recent edit of the video avialable upon request.

Stills from If all the world is here, where are we?